Friday 18 July 2014

What would the world be like without the Internet for one month? - Derek, Zdenek

Shopping, traveling, fun .... Are there the "ordinary" things? You imagine! If the world was without the Internet for one month, we would not use many kind of standard things of our life. For example, you couldn't check time of rotating bus and use cards when you go to super-market. Furthermore, you would have to go to offline-market and pay through only cash when you want some foods.

1. Black-out of the money

What would you do if you could use only cash?


- Stock option
Stock market must be crash, as you know it is so sensitive because it has been changing at all time. Also it's interface and information is on the Internet is foundation for stock market.

 - Bank would be cut off ( ATM, online-banking, credit-card, account info. )
If ATM would be out of order, you could be uncomfortable, in addition, you couldn't check your account information. 
  - Trading
When we couldn't use e-trading service,  we must take up equal exchange for  what you need.


What do you think of next war?
 - Bit-coin (drugs, weapon)
This coin was made up by some engineering from Japan. Some country that  use this virtual coin.  However, many violent groups also use that for trading of drugs and weapons. If we couldn't use the internet, then their virtual accounting would be vanished. It would be one of those things that cause the war.
 - Anarchism (civil war)

3. Collapse transportation of the world
 - City ( bus, sky-train, metro )
 - World ( airplanes, ships, trains )

Friday 11 July 2014

Bella Pacifica Campground is the destination of choice for families visiting Tofino, Long Beach and Pacific Rim National Park. It has private oceanfront and the wilderness setting enables you to experience the wonder of the Old Growth forests and the pristine beaches famous to the area.

site map
Bella Pacifica Campground
Location : 400 Mackenzie Beach, Tofino, BC v0r 2Z0
Price : Off season : $ 28 ~ $32
           Peak season : $ 42 ~ $52

 To be honest, I have never been there before~. hahaha. But I searched some information from many websites(i will write the address in the end of this post). It is located near MACKENZIE BEACH and surrounded by a huuuuuge FOREST( i dont know the name, sorry)!!!!!. SO YOU CAN ENJOY THE WATER AND MOUNTAINS AT THE SAME TIME. I am planning to go here maybe in 2 weeks, after that I can show you guys pictures I will take here. ALSO, I will describe more details and try to make you able to imagine like it is happening in front of your eyes.......I hope hahahahahaha
And if someone knows this place well or has been there, please leave some comments or tips for me.
It would be very helpful for me. PLEASE. THANKS FOR READING.  

 Porteau Cove 

  Porteau Cove is situated on the most southerly river crossing in North America, the park features waterfront campsites with a view over Howe sound to the mountains beyond.

An old ship has been sunk to provide interest for scuba divers and to attract ocean life.
There are special facilities for divers. Close train tracks are active and occasional noise disturbance may occur.
 Location : 38 km north of Vancouver on Hwy 99, 20 km south of Squamish,
                8.5 km south of Britannia Beach
 Price : 30 dollars (per group /night)

 I think it's a good place for student camping because it's close to downtown Vancouver
it's not expensive for group camping,  we can swim in the summer  and kayak as well.
 As you can see in the picture it's a really beautiful place, the scenery is nice and we can feel the real nature.

This place is a really famous place for camping and many people want to go so you must reserve right now!!

porteau cove

  About porteau cove
      Situated on the most southerly fjord in North America, the park features waterfront campsites with a view over Howe Sound to the mountains beyond. An old ship has been sunk to provide interest for Scuba divers and to attract marine life. There are special facilities for divers. Adjacent train tracks are active and occasional noise disturbance may occur.

  location : 38 km north of Vancouver on Hwy 99, 20 km south of Squamish, 8.5 km south of Britannia Beach

camping price : 30 dollar (party /night)

 I think it's good place for student camping because it's close to Vancouver downtown
it's not expensive for group camping we can swim in the summer  and kayak as well 
 As you can see in the picture it's really beutiful place the scene is nice and we can feel the real nature.

This place is really famous place for camping and many people want to go so you must reservate right now!!

Setting up camp zdenek, derek, yu-ping

Setting up camp 
by Zdenek & Derek & Yuping 


Let me introduce  you to some of  the methods to set up camp , follow below steps.

1. Unpack - tent, canteen, stakes(pegs), poles, cooking equipment, lamp, axe, LED light, chairs, folding table, sleeping bag, fishing tackle, etc


- Unpack every thing to make sure you can set up tent or other things.


2. Fire building -  axe (to chop woods), blocks of wood, kindling, match, fire starter, paper, blow on the fire to start fire

How to start a camp fire:

- you should chop the blocks of wood 
- you need an axe
- crumple up paper before you build kindling
- you need a match or lighter to set it on fire
- when you blow air, be careful not to inhale the smoke.


3. Bear proofing - bear mace(spray), rope, bear bucket, hoist bucket up the tree.

- hang your food pack from a tree limb that is at least 10 feet off the ground, or suspend it from a horizontal pole set between two trees. Some campsites have a "bear pole" which everyone uses. 
- don't leave food in your tent, ever!
- leave tent flaps open so that a bear can walk in and check the place without resorting to violent.
- when you encounter a bear, use bear Mace and then back away slowly

4. Cooking - potato, meat on a stick, smoked chicken, sweet potato, beers, soda, vegetables, sangria, tinfoil, grill, charcoal, water, marshmallow, smore

you can cool your drinks in the river. ( but do not leave them there!!)

Thursday 3 July 2014


Q: Have you ever been camping trip? Did you enjoy it?

Q: Where is your favorite place to camp? Beach/Forest/Mountain etc...

Q: Can you recommend some great camping spots?

Q: What is the best camping trip you have ever been on?

Q: Have you ever been in an emergency situation? If so, what did you do?

Q: Have you ever encountered a dangerous animal? If so, what did you do?

Q: What is your #1 safety tip?