Friday 11 July 2014

porteau cove

  About porteau cove
      Situated on the most southerly fjord in North America, the park features waterfront campsites with a view over Howe Sound to the mountains beyond. An old ship has been sunk to provide interest for Scuba divers and to attract marine life. There are special facilities for divers. Adjacent train tracks are active and occasional noise disturbance may occur.

  location : 38 km north of Vancouver on Hwy 99, 20 km south of Squamish, 8.5 km south of Britannia Beach

camping price : 30 dollar (party /night)

 I think it's good place for student camping because it's close to Vancouver downtown
it's not expensive for group camping we can swim in the summer  and kayak as well 
 As you can see in the picture it's really beutiful place the scene is nice and we can feel the real nature.

This place is really famous place for camping and many people want to go so you must reservate right now!!

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