Tuesday 22 October 2013

The Unusual Suspects

Introducing the current Photography and Blogging students. They have been contributing members for over a month now and together they have been making beautiful imagery, bringing up some insightful concepts as well as maintaing the blog and supporting each other as a team.
Contributing members
{Past and present}
 Andrey Moreira
Boyoung Kim
Dong Hyo Kim (John PB)
Stella Lin
Min Jung Kim (Summer)
Seonghoon Heon (Eddie ‘The Editor’)
Chein Yen Hung
Ki Seok Keum (David)
Sang Woo Kim (Alex)
Carina Latz
Luis Alberto Luckow
Mark Roloff
A special thanks to Joao Neto (Blog Master) for all his help with setting up this course, and most importantly this blog!

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