Friday, 22 November 2013

It is more than it seems
What I try to do every time I face a problem, an
issue or unusual situation, is not to judge
instantly what I'm seeing. It is a way to not see
things just on the surface, and get to the real
reasons and consequences of them. This picture
shows one simple daily act of throwing something in
the trash. But is it that simple? Even with a clear
sign saying "Paper Recycling" on the box right next
to the regular trash bin, people still opt to throw
paper in the wrong place. Recycling is one of the
biggest environmental issues and it can make life
easier and better now and mostly in the future. But
we still don't care about it, we still don't change
our habits and most of the time we're not educated
to do so. People still throw their paper in the
trash, but for me, this is more than it seems.

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